I Fashion a Nest Between Spines and Stories
Independent Film
Exhibition Spaces: 41st MESA FilmFest (2024), MIT Bartos Theatre (2023)
Advised by Professor Renée Green
This film explores the space between hardness and softness, both materially and conceptually. In a short film, footage from a weekend’s visit to New York overlays a scene of the author in her domestic space. Flitting across the canvas that is the resting body, the city and the NY Times Printing Plant embody the synchronicity of internal bodily systems. These intricate mechanical and organic systems converge while verses from the expatriate voice of Gibran Khalil Gibran recite fables about Work, Pleasure, and Buying and Selling, from his seminal book The Prophet. Audio tracks from Nicolas Jaar’s Pomegranates album are the connecting tissue between the visual and narrated poetries. This palimpsest of textures attempts to reveal a space between labor and slumber, movement and rest, and discomfort and pleasure.