Massachusetts Institute of Technology * Spring 2024

Sonic Beirut, Displaced

Independent Project
Graduate Student Talk at MIT List Visual Arts Center

As part of the MIT Graduate Student Talks series at the List Visual Arts Center, this conversation was about Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme’s exhibition Only sounds that tremble through us through the lens of my own research methodology and interests.
I discussed my own work in context of Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme’s practice and their exhibition at the MIT List Art Gallery. My research exploring sonic urbanism, archiving, para-fictions, and dialectical image-making speaks to Abbas and Abou-Rahme’s invocation of the archival multitude and their employment of audiovisual archives. With the talk, I present my 5.1 channel sound installation Sonic Beirut, Displaced: Stitching Transboundary Soundscapes, developed as a research paper and multimedia project. Examining the generative potential of fragmentation in conversation with my own work, I emphasize how the artists use performance as a form of resistance to power structures with an acute sensitivity to the matrix of images and sounds disseminated online. 

* A talk for the MIT List Visual Arts Center and a sound installation first developed in the course “Resonance: Sonic Experience, Science, and Art” taught by Professors Caroline A. Jones and Stefan Helmreich *

* Link to relevant essay *